Form Moving Image All
Form Moving Image All
Still from Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage A Visual Parable

Pilgrimage (now online in its entirety for the first time) is short film I produced during my second year of graduate studies. I had the opportunity to return back to New England for an extended visit and was able to apply some of the new tools and techniques I had acquired in my previous year of study. Bill Viola and Harun Farocki were major influences, as I found their use of long, unhurried visuals and ambient sound to be deeply compelling. Their subtle approach to narrative is also evident, with the titular pilgrimage playing out across multiple levels.

Rewatching it after all these years I’m still taken with the sumptuous texture of it all. My only regret is that I shot this piece at the very end of the DV cassette dark ages, and the images just don’t appear as bright and crisp as they did on the old Trinitron CRT display.